Educational and Training Programs

Whether you are a team leader seeking to uplift your staff, a member of a fraternal organization, the director of continuing education, or just want to provide consistent “brown bag” lunches for your company, we are happy to provide education and training modules in person or electronically.

Topics Include

Optimizing Professional Performance

Listening & Being Heard

Stress: Identify & Intervene

Dealing with Difficult People

Emotional Well-Being

Relationship Health & Development

Boundary Setting & Negotiation in Relationship

Managing Loss

Parenting through Divorce

Depression & Mood Fluctuation

Dig deep. Let all the nonsense go. Embrace who you are. Share it with others.

Our courses are definitely designed to be educational, but we have also found that when team members, colleagues or peers are provided with the opportunity to learn and evolve, connections deepen- internally and externally. While some topics are more practical in nature, other topics are more intimate and may prove to be more provocative.

If you would like for us to provide a training session on a topic that’s not listed here, please give us a call so that we can discuss your needs with you.

Don’t wait any longer. Your transformation awaits!