The ROSE System

Restoring Old Soul Empowerment

Step into the Queen that you are

Our world desperately needs the leadership of Old Soul Women. Our men have given it a shot, and somehow missed the mark. With empowered Old Soul Women at the helm, we may actually have a shot at turning things around.
Old Soul Women have at their cores, the desire to uplift, improve, fix and heal those around them so that they too, can do the same for their families, communities and teams.

Old Soul Women come in many different shapes, sizes and archetypes

Angels see the best in everyone, even when others may be unable to

Harmonizers are here to bring people together, to improve all forms of connection and communication, and are eager for all to experience love

Magdalenes experience the world through their bodies, and can help others do the same

Faeries are deeply connected to the Earth and her creatures and are here to protect, heal and advocate for them

Wise Warriors are devoted to serving and protecting those who cannot do so for themselves and ensuring that justice is served

But, Old Soul Women, with their big soul energy often fall victim to soul suckers who need to feed.

So many of our most talented, well-educated professional women have accidentally attracted toxic narcissist partners (and bosses) who have gas-lit, guilt-tripped and emotionally abused them, disempowering them and disconnecting their access to their divinity. This rampant soul-sucking costs our most powerful women leaders their feminine presence and confidence, their peace and passion in relationships, and access to their personal power.
In order to reclaim your divinity and reactivate your core, things have got to change.


You will need to prioritize YOURSELF, despite how agonizing that may feel when your mission has been to serve others.


You will need to question not yourself- but the soul sucker and the “truth” you have been consuming.


You will need to open to the resources and support that are available to you, as soon as you are willing.


You must be willing to step into your Queen.

Take Action Today

This year-long journey will incorporate an amazing combination of ways for you to heal and thrive as an Old Soul Woman. Members will meet with an individual coach three times per month during the first six months in order to discover the hidden tethers to unhealthy habits and to re-vision the course forward, attend two 3-day retreats, participate in weekly 2-hr group coaching sessions for the final six months, and receive twelve monthly Pearls of Wisdom tune-ups!

Using our 10-step system, you will…

Reveal your Old Soul type and purpose

Enable you to release and resolve old wounds (that you may not even have known you were carrying around!)

Eliminate toxic ties in both current and historical relationships

Identify your superpowers and activate your spirit gifts

Accept that you can be rewarded, adored, and respected for your unique gifts and path

Fall in love with yourself and your body more than ever

Receive support and mentorship from women whose own healing journeys inform and guide the wisdom they share with you

Magnetize a partner who loves to support and adore you in ALL that you are

Step into aligned purpose in work

Know your true mission in life

Our ROSE System includes

Individual coaching
valued at $10,350

  • Weekly individual sessions by Zoom (3 times per month for first 6 months) to assess (What is happening now and why?) and to restore (healing the core and cutting the cords)

Group Coaching valued at $35,600

  • Weekly group sessions by Zoom with monthly mentorship from the Circle of Essentials during months 7-12 to access support and upliftment
  • Private membership area for courses, recordings, support, and value-added resources

Two 3-day retreats valued at $21,998

  • Embracing the Queen: As members release the tethers to their Soul Suckers, they are celebrated for embracing their inner QUEEN
  • Old Soul Activation: As members embody their Old Souls, we attune body, mind and spirit to their divinity

Pearls of Wisdom Tune-Ups valued at $3,000

  • Individual clearings, tune-ups and intuitive readings provided monthly to promote growth, expansion, and progress

The TOTAL VALUE of this program is $70,948 but is available to you now as Founding Members for only $25,000!!!

Consider this: when will it be time for YOU? And, if the time is now, how will your transformation impact those around you?

You cannot serve your children and family, your team members, or those in your community if you are just barely limping along- whether at work, at home or both. If you have noticed that your energy is waning, that you’ve lost sight of who you are, that you are no longer on the course you charted for yourself, then it’s time to assess, correct, re-vision, and step into the tribe that awaits you.

Don’t wait any longer. Your transformation awaits!