VIP Services and Retreats
When life doesn’t afford you the time and space you need to relax, unwind, and break through, it’s time to to get off the grid and get it done!
If you’re seeking an invigoration, modification or complete remodel of your approach or of your relationship, the VIP Day (or Weekend) is just what you need.
If you benefit from being in the presence of your tribe or ours, we offer personal and corporate retreats all over the world. Where would you like to host your transformation?
When you can’t quite achieve that breakthrough because you’re heading back to the office, or to the kids, or to meet your spouse, it’s time to treat yourself to a VIP Day!
Knowing that you have six hours to relax, dial in, do the work and recalibrate before you have to attend to any other responsibilities can make all the difference in the world!”)
Some of our VIP Days and weekends for individuals include…
Breakthrough to Best
What if the only thing that stands in the way of living the life you desire are obstacles below the surface, that can easily be discovered and released,
creating opportunity to truly live, love and play your edge?
What if you could accomplish that in a day?
Embracing Authentic Leadership
There is no one model for leadership.
Each of us brings with us a complex framework that can pose challenges to aligning with our teams, but if we strip away our masks, and step into our authentic selves, our teams will be motivated to follow.
As women, we often give, and give, and give,
but forget to open our hands and arms to receive.
Learning to embrace our core QUEEN energy enables us
to fully open to receiving the abundance that awaits us.
Join us Dec 9-11, 2022
Click for more info!
I’ve always said that love does not a relationship make. Love can be high-flying but also fleeting. It can be thrilling and overwhelming, it can consume you and leave you all in the blink of an eye.
But, relationships require your consistent attention and nurture. Given how busy we can become with LIFE, we may forget that we need to take the time to invest in our relationships.
Our Healing Journeys for Couples provide just that opportunity.
Whether you have become distant, fallen prey to miscommunication, have lost sight of your true feelings for one another, or need to reboot passion in your relationship, we have a fantastics set of VIP Days, Weekends and Retreats for you to choose from!
Testing the Waters
For couples who are just beginning to investigate intimacy and opportunities for growth in their relationship, this half day retreat will provide a platform to launch a new way of being together.
For those who are already on the path, this is an opportunity to refresh and reinvigorate.
Getting Grounded
For couples who want to get clear from the ground up.
Uplevel communication skills so that both of you feel seen, heard and understood.
Improve tools and strategies for resolving challenges so you can maintain your bond and your sanity
Learning to Soar
For couples who want to want to experience exploration, exhilaration, and enlightenment. Enjoy more intense connection, intuition, and clarity about what has weighed down the relationship so that you can transcend old narratives!
Awakening the Fire Within
This is an intimate 2-day transformational experience for couples. If your relationship has become more platonic, it’s time to breathe some oxygen onto the embers of your relationship to ignite the passion!
The Secret to Conception
Identifying and Resolving Hidden Factors in Fertility
After a decade yearning for a child of my own, and investing over $100,000 in infertility tests and treatments, I was told that I would never achieve a healthy pregnancy.
Leaders Take Action Today
Sometimes the only way to grow and evolve a corporate team is to leave behind the boardroom and head to the beach!
Whether you’d like to improve connection, buy-in, communication or motivation, corporate retreats (1, 2 or 5-day) can be a terrific vehicle for achieving these goals. Away from the office, we find that it’s easier to be more vulnerable, open to change and capable of true transformation.
We offer retreats local to you, or to the Institute, or are happy to create a destination retreat to meet your needs. All you have to do is ask!
Corporate Options Below
Gold option
Titanium option
Platinum option
Dig deep. Let all the nonsense go. Embrace who you are. Share it with others.
Most of our clients assume that when they invest in a VIP Day or Journey, they will achieve peace of mind, relaxation, maybe even serenity. Our couples always hope that they will find that love and passion that brought them together in the beginning. Our corporate clients bank on improving motivation, productivity and ultimately the bottom line (but typically don’t expect obstacles to fall away almost effortlessly when team members begin to see one another as PEOPLE!).
Whatever it is that you want to achieve during your VIP experience, we are here to support you!